Uniform Civil Code Kya Hai – जानें फायदे और नुकसान, कहाँ पर है लागू

Uniform Civil Code Kya Hai :- The Uniform Civil Code calls for the adoption of a single legislation that would apply to all religious communitie’s concerns about adoption, divorce and estate planning throughout the whole country of India. In this post you get every information regarding this UCC such as what is UCC, benefits, objective history and much more.

Uniform Civil Code Kya Hai

The Indian Constitution’s Article 44 governs the UCC. The state proclaimed that it would work to establish a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) for citizens across all of India.The Code is a suggestion for India to enact and carry out personal laws of citizens that are equally applicable to all people regardless of their gender, religion or sexual preference.

Pencil Portal Kya Hai

The code speaks with one nation and one regulation that all religious sects must abide by. It intends to replace individual laws based on the scriptures and customs of each major Indian religious group with a uniform set of laws governing all Indian citizens. For instance, Hindus and Muslims each have their own particular laws. Property, marriage, inheritance, divorce, succession and adoption are the fundamental topics of personal law.

Overview Uniform Civil Code

ProtocolUniform Civil Code
Launched ByMinistry of Law and Justice
Under ArticleArticle 44
Suggestion Period14 june 2023 to 14 july 2023

Objective for Uniform Civil Code 2018

Putting into practice the right to equality outlined in Article 14 and the ban on discrimination based on a person’s race, caste, gender or place of birth outlined in Article 15 of the Indian Constitution. Eliminating personal laws that have their roots in religious convictions and offer a uniform legal framework. The insufficient and inconsistent legislation in the Indian legal system may make it difficult to eradicate any form of discrimination against women.

Benefits for Uniform Civil Code

Following the adoption and application of the Uniform Civil Code, there will be:

  • The UCC will stop discriminating in terms of succession, inheritance, marriage, divorce, adoption and guardianship, among other things as well as against people based on their race, gender, caste or religion.
  • Minimizing the difficulty of applying and comprehending the many personal rules of different religions,
  • The UCC will give women the right to equality and protection of the law in areas of marriage, divorce, adoption of children, succession, and inheritance of property among other areas. In order to prevent violence against women and preserve their rights in India because numerous personal laws such as marriage, divorce and succession of a certain religion, violate the fundamental rights of women.
  • UCC will create a secular Indian society that will improve the way the court administers justice.

Drawbacks for Implementing Uniform Civil Code

  • Implementation is difficult due to India’s huge variety.
  • As the Constitution grants the right to practice any religion as one chooses, the extent of religious freedom will be reduced.
  • Disobey the right of people to exercise their religion freely because personal laws have traditionally dealt with issues like marriage, inheritance, divorce and adoption.

What exactly is Article 44 and why is it important?

  • Article 44 of the Indian Constitution’s Directive Principles was intended to combat discrimination against vulnerable groups and harmonize the nation’s many culturally different communities. A UCC is desirable, but for now, it should remain voluntary, according to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, who made this statement when drafting the Constitution. As a result, Article 35 of the draft Constitution was added as Article 44 of Part IV of the Constitution of India’s Directive Principles of State Policy.
  • The Constitution included it as a clause whose fulfillment would occur once the country was ready to embrace it and the UCC could gain societal acceptability. No one has to worry that the state will use its authority in a way that may offend Muslims, Christians or members of any other community according to Ambedkar who expressed this in his speech to the Constituent Assembly. If the government did it, I believe it would be insane.

Concerns relating to UCC

  • It is challenging to create a basic platform of practices for every religion since various religions have diverse religious beliefs based on the religion’s fundamental practices.
  • The parliament is just copying the western model of legislation by trying to execute this policy.
  • Minorities have the belief that UCC would obliterate their religious customs and force them to adopt those of the majority, including Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Jains and Zoroastrians.
  • Conflict between equality before the law and the right to religious freedom.
  • The biggest problem is that most people are ignorant of UCC’s goals and this ignorance is caused by a variety of factors, including a lack of education, fake news, illogical religious views etc.

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