The Chief Minister has announced the launch of the AP YSR Jagananna Colonies Scheme. Kadapa district administration of Andhra Pradesh is making all efforts to launch Jagan Anna colonies in Pulivendula town on 8 July 2020. According to this scheme, it is being told that the state government will allot documents with 1 to 1.5 percent land to the beneficiaries in urban and rural areas. According to the YSR Jagananna Colonies Scheme, it has also been announced that playgrounds and parts will also be included.
For the beneficiaries of this scheme, their favorite land will be given in their name. And along with this, land documents will also be provided to each beneficiary. In addition, the government has also instructed banks to provide financial assistance to the beneficiaries.
YSR Cheyutha Beneficiary List 2024
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YSR Jagananna Colonies Scheme 2024
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy is about to launch the YSR Jagananna Colonies Scheme in Pulivendula town of Kadapa district on 8 July 2020 on the occasion of his father’s birthday. It is being said that the land of about 60,000 beneficiaries was identified and another 10,000 applications are under consideration.
According to this AP Jagananna Colonies Scheme, 1.5 percent of the land will be given to all beneficiaries in rural areas and 1 percent land to urban areas to make houses. It is being told that a huge layout is being developed on 255 acres of land in Pulivendula town which will be the largest layout in the Kadapa district.
Overview of AP Jagananna Colonies Scheme
Scheme Name | Jagananna Colonies Scheme |
Launched By | CM Jagan Mohan Reddy |
Starting Date | 08 July |
Department | Housing Construction Department |
Beneficiaries | People of State |
Registration Process | Online |
Category | Andhra Pradesh Govt. Scheme |
Official Website | |
Benefits of YSR Jagananna Colonies
- Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy is scheduled to launch the scheme in Pulivendula on 8 July 2020 on the occasion of his father’s birthday. The benefit of which is going to be given to our beneficiaries.
- It is being told by the departments that 60,000 beneficiaries have been indentify, another 10,000 applications are under consideration. Due to which the beneficiaries will get the land as soon as possible.
- According to the YSR Jagananna Colonies Scheme, 1.5 percent of the land will be allocated to rural areas and 1 percent to urban areas for construction of houses.
- A huge layout is being developed on 255 acres of land in Pulivendula town of Kadapa district which is the largest layout in Kadapa district.
- It is also being reported that around 754 layouts with 95,549 plots were already built in the entire Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh.
Purpose of Jagananna Colonies Scheme
We know that the Andhra Pradesh Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has unanimously named these places as YSR Jagannath colonies. We know that the Housing Department also ensures that there is no shortage of land for establishing Jagannath colonies. And Andhra Pradesh Sarkar is making all efforts to make this plan come true. The Andhra Pradesh government then prepares individuals to buy private land wherever necessary. So that people do not have to face any kind of trouble. The objective of this YSR Jagananna Colonies Scheme is that if the people who do not have land or have money to buy it, then the government is instructing banks for financial assistance under this scheme to benefit the beneficiaries land.
Eligibility Criteria
- The scheme can be availed only by the permanent residents of Andhra Pradesh.
- All the families who do not have their own accommodation will be given the benefit of this scheme.
- One and a half percent of the land will be allotted to each beneficiary on which the beneficiary will be free to construct the houses themselves.
Procedure for Registration under Jagananna Colonies Scheme
We know that Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy is about to launch the scheme in Pulivendula on 8 July on the occasion of his father’s birthday. So far only an announcement has been made to start YSR Jagananna Colonies Scheme. No such information has been given from any department as to how we can apply under this scheme. As soon as you get information about this, you will be notified through our website.
Check YSR Housing Scheme Beneficiary List
- First of all, you have to visit the official website of Andhra Pradesh State Housing Corporation. After this, the homepage of the website will open in front of you.
- On the homepage of the website, you have to click on the “Beneficiary Search” option at the bottom.
- Now a new front will open on your computer and mobile screen. On this page, you have to record all the information asked.
- After this, you click on the button of “Search”. The status of the beneficiaries will be shown on your screen.