Lockdown 3.0 Guidelines, Rules PDF: COVID 19 Find Your State/Area Zone

Lockdown 3.0 Guidelines has been announced with extension to lock-down until 3 May. Notification of Lockdown 3.0 Guidelines, Rules have been issued by the Home Ministry on 01 May. A nationwide lock-down was announced on 25 March 2020 to prevent the increasing infection of COVID 19 (Coronavirus).

Lockdown 3.0 Guidelines

This lock-down has been extended once before, ending on May 03. Now the Government of India has issued the necessary guidelines to increase the lock-down for 2 weeks, which has been named as Lockdown 3.0. During this increased lock-down, some special rules and guidelines will be followed.

According to this, the country has been divided into three different categories in view of the infection of Coronavirus (COVID 19). These categories have been divided into colors according to which economic activity will be allowed, given the impact of the transition. In which zone, which zone is placed? What activity is allowed in which zone, all this information will be shared with you with the title “Lockdown 3.0 Guidelines & Rules”.

Lockdown 3.0 Guidelines & Rules PDF

In view of the increasing cases of corona infection in India, after expansion twice, the central government is going to allow economic activities by relaxing the lock-down in the country. A notification has been issued by the Home Department on the evening of May 01, stating that the lock-down period under the “Disaster Management Act 2005” has been extended to 2 weeks.

All the guidelines and regulations issued under Lockdown 3.0 are being taken under the Disaster Management Act 2005. This third expansion in the lock-down will be in place from May 4 to May 17, in which the country is divided into three zones. Under this, 733 districts of India have been divided into three zones.

  • Green
  • Red (Hotspot)
  • Orange

There will be different rules for economic activity in these three zones. Here in this article we will tell you on what basis the country is divided in these three zones. Along with this, we will also provide you the list of districts included in all these zones.


The lock-down period has now been extended to 17 May under the Disaster Management Act 2005 by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). This expansion has been named Lockdown 3.0 in a nationwide lock-down.

Lockdown Began – 25 March 2020

1st Extension – 14 March 2020

2nd Extension – 04 May (Which has now been extended to 17 May)

Number of Districts by Zone

733 districts of India have been divided into three categories based on the impact of corona virus infection.

3rd – 10th May 2020

  • 133 districts are in the Red zone.
  • 284 districts are in the Orange zone.
  • 319 districts are in the Green zone.
Lockdown 3.0 Guidelines

You can see that most of India is in the Green Zone while the Red Zone includes the metros of the country. Changes will be made to this list every week. These zones are scheduled for the first week from 03 May to 10 May.

Lockdown 3.0 Zones

Now we know that by dividing all the districts between India into three zones, economic activities will be allowed. First, let us see on what basis the zone is divided.

  • Green Zones: – These are districts with either zero confirmed cases till date or no confirmed cases in the last 21 days.
  • Red Zones: – These districts have been named hotspots. These districts are classified taking into account the total number of active cases, doubling rate of confirmed cases, the extent of testing, and surveillance feedback from the districts.
  • Orange Zone: – Those districts which are neither defined as Red zone or Green zone are classified as Orange zone.

Containment Zone

Some areas within the Red and Orange zones have been named as Containment Zone by the Central Government, given the impact of the virus. This can be a Containment Zone colony, sector or a bulldog. These places will be included in this, where the infection is increasing very fast. These container zones can be determined by:

  • Local district administration
  • Only emergency medical services and supplies of essential items will be allowed here.

Who will determine the zone?

All the districts have been divided into three zones considering the effects of the corona virus. This district wise list will be updated in a week. Changes in the category of districts will remain with both the central and state government. The essential facts in this regard are as follows.

  • This list will be updated in three weeks according to the three zones.
  • States have been given the responsibility of determining the Red and Orange districts by the Central Government.
  • However, only the Central will classify a district as a Green zone.

Prohibited Activities According to Zones

The following activities will not be allowed according to Lockdown 3.0 guidelines.

  • All domestic and international air travel of passengers, except for medical services, air ambulance and for security purposes or for purposes as permitted by MHA
  • All passenger movement by trains, except for security purposes or for purposes as permitted by MHA
  • Inter-State Buses for public transport, except as permitted by MHA.
  • Metro rail services.
  •  Inter-State movement of individuals except for medical reasons or for activities as permitted by MHA.
  • All schools, colleges, educational/ training/ coaching institutions, etc. However, online/ distance learning shall be permitted.
  • Hospitality services are other than those used for housing health/ police/Government officials/ healthcare workers, stranded persons including tourists, and those used for quarantine facilities.
  • All cinema halls, shopping malls, gymnasium, sports complex, swimming pools, entertainment parks, theatres, bars and auditoriums, assembly halls, and similar places.
  • All social/ political/ sports/ entertainment/ academic/ culturall religious functions/ other gatherings.

All religious places/ places of worship shall be closed for the public. Religious congregations are strictly prohibited

Measures for Wellbeing and Safety of Persons

  • The movement of individuals, for all non-essential activities, shall remain strictly prohibited between 7 pm to 7 am. Local authorities shall issue orders under appropriate provisions of law, such as prohibitory orders (curfew] under Section 144 of CrPC, for this purpose, and ensure strict compliance.
  • In all zones, persons above 65 years of age, persons with co-morbidities, pregnant women, and children below the age of 10 years, shall stay at home, except for meeting essential requirements and for health purposes, as per the National Directives.
  • In Containment Zones, Out-Patient Departments (OPDs) and Medical clinics shall not be permitted to operate. However, these may be permitted to operate in Red, Orange and Green Zones, with social distancing norms and other safety precautions

Allowed Activities in Red, Green, Orange & Containment Zone

In view of the increasing infection of the corona virus, the following activity will be allowed in the districts distributed in the three zones according to the categories Red, Green, Orange and Containment Zone.

Activities in Red Zones (Hotspots) [Outside Containment Zones]

  • Apart from the prohibited activities mentioned at Para 4, the following activities shall not be permitted
    • Cycle rickshaws and auto-rickshaws.
    • Taxis and cab aggregators.
    • Intra-district and inter-district plying of buses.
    • Barbershops, spas, and salons
  • The following activities shall be permitted with restrictions as specified.
  • Movement of individuals and vehicles, only for permitted activities. Four wheeler vehicles will have maximum of two passengers besides the vehicle driver; for two-wheelers, a pillion rider is not allowed.
  • Industrial establishments in urban areas: Only Special Economic Zones (SEZs), Export Oriented Units (EOUS), industrial estates and industrial townships with access control; Manufacturing units of essential goods, including drugs, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, their raw material and intermediates; Production units, which require continuous process, and their supply chain; Manufacturing of IT hardware; Jute industry with staggered shifts and social distancing; and, Manufacturing units of packaging material are permitted.All industrial activities are permitted in rural areas.
  • Construction activities in urban areas: Only in situ construction (where workers are available on site and no workers are required to be brought in from outside) and construction of renewable energy projects are permitted. All construction activities are permitted in rural areas.
  • All malls, market complexes, and markets shall remain closed in urban areas, i.e., areas within the limits of municipal corporations and municipalities. However, shops selling essential goods in markets and market complexes are permitted. All standalone (single) shops, neighborhood (colony) shops, and shops in residential complexes are permitted to remain open in urban areas, without any distinction of essential and non-essential. All shops in rural areas, except in malls, are permitted to remain open, without any distinction of essential and non-essential.Social distancing (2 Gaz ki doori) will be maintained in all cases.
  • E-commerce activities will be permitted only in respect of essential goods.
  • Private offices can operate with up to 33% strength as per requirement, with the remaining persons working from home.
  • All Government offices shall function with officers of the level of Deputy Secretary and above to the extent of 100% strength. The remaining staff will attend upto 33% as per requirement. However, Defense and Security services, Health and Family Welfare, Police, Prisons, Home Guards, Civil Defence, Fire and Emergency Services, Disaster management and related services, NIC, Customs, FCI, NCC, NYK and Municipal services shall function without any restrictions; delivery of public services shall be ensured and necessary staff will be deployed for such purpose.

Activities in Green Zones

All activities are permitted in Green Zones, except those activities that are prohibited under Para

  • Bus depots can operate with up to 50% capacity & Buses can operate with up to 50% seating capacity.
  • All other activities will be permitted activities, which are not specifically prohibited/ permitted with restrictions in the various Zones, under these guidelines. However, States/ UTs, based on their assessment of the situation, and with the primary objective of keeping the spread of COVID 19 in check, may allow only select activities from out of the permitted activities, with such restrictions as felt necessary.
  • All States/ UTs shall allow inter-state movement of goods/ cargo, including empty trucks.
  • No State/ UT shall stop the movement of cargo for cross land-border trade under Treaties with neighboring countries.
  • No separate/ fresh permissions are required from authorities for activities already permitted to operate under the guidelines on Lockdown measures up to May 3, 2020. The following Standard Operating Protocols (SOPs) issued by MHA will continue to operate:
    • SOP on transit arrangement for foreign national(s) in India and release of quarantine persons, issued vide Order dated April 02, 2020.
    • SOP on movement of stranded labour within States/ UTs, issued vide Order dated April 19, 2020.
    • SOP on sign-on and sign-off of Indian seafarers, issued vide Order dated April 21, 2020.
    • SOP on movement of stranded migrant workers, pilgrims, tourists, students and other persons, issued vide Order dated April 29, 2020.
    • SOP on movement of stranded migrant workers, pilgrims, tourists, students and other persons by train, issued vide Order dated May 01, 2020.

Strict Enforcement of the Lockdown Guidelines

State UT Governments shall not dilute these guidelines issued under the Disaster Management Act, 2005, in any manner, and shall strictly enforce the same.

Instructions for enforcement of above lockdown measures:

  • All the district magistrates shall strictly enforce the above lockdown measures and the National Directives for COVID 19 Management, for public and workplaces, as specified in Annexure I.
  • In order to implement these containment measures, the District Magistrate will deploy Executive Magistrates as Incident Commanders in the respective local jurisdictions. The Incident Commander will be responsible for the overall implementation of these measures in their respective jurisdictions. All other line department officials in the specified area will work under the directions of such an Incident Commander. The Incident Commander will issue passes for enabling essential movements as explained.
  • The Incident Commanders will, in particular, ensure that all efforts for mobilization of resources, workers and material for augmentation and expansion of hospital infrastructure shall continue without any hindrance

Penal Provisions

Any person violating these lockdown measures and the National Directives for COVID-19 Management will be liable to be proceeded against as per the provisions of Section 51 to 60 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, besides legal action under Sec. 188 of the IPC, and other legal provisions as applicable. Extracts of these penal provisions are at Annexure-II.

Activities in Orange Zones [Outside Containment Zones]

  • Apart from the prohibited activities mentioned at Para 4, the following activities shall not be permitted:
    • Inter-district and Intra-district plying of buses.
  • The following activities shall be permitted with restrictions as are specified:
    • Taxis and cab aggregators, with 1 driver and 2 passengers only.
    • Inter-district movement of individuals and vehicles, only for permitted
    • activities. Four-wheeler vehicles will have a maximum of two passengers besides the driver.

Activities in Containment Zones

  • Strict perimeter control.
  • Establishment of clear entry and exit points.
  • Movement of persons only for maintaining the supply of goods and services and for medical emergencies.
  • No unchecked influx of people and transport.
  • Recording of details of people moving in and out of the perimeter

Download Lockdown 3.0 Guidelines, Rules PDF

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